Our backyard photo journal - a collection of pictures of Skippy and the plants and flowers in our backyard. Also pictures from Skippy's walks & stories of his therapy work. Skippy is working hard at learning to be a Therapy Dog.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

millions of Skippy pictures

skippy pics0001
I've accumulated so many pictures of Skippy! I was impressed to look at my Flickr site and see all the dog pictures there. Here's a composite of some of these. One nice thing about a blog is to have a way to "use" and organize photos.

Another use of my dog photos is the calling cards I give out at our therapy dog visits. (Skippy is a Caring Canines therapy dog.) I ordered a few new calling cards from Flickr just now to see what they look like. Many of the people we visit appreciate these.

Friday, November 09, 2007

autumn colors at the fellsway

raspberry leaves yellow beech leaves

Middlesex Fells Reservation

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

red oak leaves

It's a beautiful fall! Sometimes the leaves just glow like they have lights in them. Especially on cloudy dark days. Nice yellows and reds and golds.