Our backyard photo journal - a collection of pictures of Skippy and the plants and flowers in our backyard. Also pictures from Skippy's walks & stories of his therapy work. Skippy is working hard at learning to be a Therapy Dog.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

doggie water fountain

Can you believe this cool water fountain! The City of Cambridge installed this one recently at Fresh Pond. Skippy is ready for a cool drink! Looks like the water is not on yet though. We'll definitely come back later.

Does your town care for its dogs so well? Unfortunately there's nothing quite like this in our town of Belmont.... Oh well. Cambridge is right next door.


Blogger Gina said...

we have a dog park right down the street. im not sure if there is a cool fountain like this but I don't have a dog anyway.

8:37 PM

Blogger Emma said...

That is so incredibly COOOL!!! No, our town does not care for its dogs so well. My town is not large enough to have a dog park, and not small enough to ignore leash laws. Of course, my favorite play spot is at the beach, so what we really need is a dog beach.

Emma the Portie

12:06 PM

Blogger WinstonBerry said...

WOW!! That's so awesome!! I think that that should be a required fixture in every town!

Winnie :-)

7:57 PM

Blogger E21R said...

Hi Kathy,
I just had to leave a note and let you know I am from Ohio and randomly found your site last night while looking for gardening sites and saw you had a PWD! I have a girl named Tallulah - I immediately called my boyfried to tell him to check out your page (he has a girl, Weezie), then I called my mom to check out your page (her boy is Oliver). Today she was going to call her girlfriend who has 2 PWDs and each of her 2 children have 2 dogs as well - we are a little obsessed with them here in OH! Anyway, I am so glad I found your blog and I already know I will be spending too much time being a faithful reader and checking out what Skippy is up to!

10:06 PM

Blogger kathy said...

Oh how wonderful to have SOOO many PWD's. The best dog ever!!!!

I'm obsessed too, but I can only have one.

"Hi" from Skippy and me to Tallula, Weezie, Oliver and the girl friends PWDs!

9:06 PM

Blogger Pedro said...

My town has poop bag dispensers but no doggy fountains. You're lucky!


2:41 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you want your own affordable doggie fountain, go to: www.doggiefountain.com
A really awesome product!
Watch all the videos. You won't be dissapointed.

12:21 PM

Anonymous thehappypets.com said...

Forgive me for my ignorance...At first I thought that's a fire hydrant that was painted green for some reason and Skippy was thinking of doing his business on it... Hhahaha.. Silly me. But I read your post and realized it's something that many towns and cities should think of having.

BTW, I love Skippy's color. We have mutts and we don't have any that's ebony black. Pet pictures are in this blog: thehappypets.com (if you wanna visit). We have a 2 yr-old pup that's black but not all over like Skippy. No picture of him though in the blog.

12:36 PM

Anonymous Tick and Flea Collars at- 1000petsupplies.com said...

Hi, I mentioned something about the flea and tick collar thing several minutes ago. You can go to: http://1000petsupplies.com/store/search/?word=flea+and+tick+dog and check out what would be good for Skippy. :)

1:05 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your pet was cute. Is that a water fountain for pets? I like that design. How much did you buy it? So that I can buy also a pet water fountain for my dog.

3:53 AM


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