Our backyard photo journal - a collection of pictures of Skippy and the plants and flowers in our backyard. Also pictures from Skippy's walks & stories of his therapy work. Skippy is working hard at learning to be a Therapy Dog.

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Cleaveland Farm State Forest

wet skippy skippy brings a stick
slipper silene
yellow wild pea blue fir
beaver tree
Yesterday we went on one of our favorite walks: Cleaveland Farm in Boxford/Rowley. There is a great little pond that Skippy LOVES to swim in. He did some retrieving and then A LOT of running. Skippy has been feeling really chipper recently. (I think maybe he feels better with his lyme medicine). He just ran and ran in circles through the fields and woods!

We took our usual path by the pond and were met with a surprise when we came to the back of the pond. Beavers had flooded the whole area and made the trail impassable. DAM! They had made a remarkable dam that was not there last fall. Probably a three foot water differential. This is the second trail in the area that we have found to be blocked by beaver dams. (The other is at Bald Hill in Boxford.)

I am happy that Skippy is feeling so chipper this week. However, before our walk in the woods Skippy did some running that was very bad. He ran and ran after a young boy about 5 or 6 years old. The boy was VERY fast and VERY scared of Skippy. Skippy thought this was great and he bounded and jumped at his heels for several minutes. He was doing a little "mouthing" too. Many of us tried to divert Skippy, yell at Skippy to stop, tell the boy to stop running, but to no avail. I couldn't even keep up with the two of them - they were going so fast. Aaargh. Finally Skippy decided to play keep-away with me instead. Then I accidentally dropped his baggie full of treats and he grabbed this and ran off and shook it until they flew all over the place. As he searched for them, I got the leash on him. I am afraid that Skippy (the fluffy, gentle, calm and perfect puppy) has made a little boy pretty scared of dogs. Next time this would be a good situation to keep a leash on Skippy. The whole situation was just TOO exciting for him.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello, I built the pond and planted the christmas trees in the 80"s on the cleveland farm. I have pictures on my web site. Tom

4:23 PM

Blogger kathy said...

Hi Tom.

Cleveland Farms is one our our favorite places to walk! I'd love to look at your pictures. Where is your web site? I will try to search for it, but please leave a link if you come back to my site.

How about those beavers! They sure have changed the old landscape.

8:28 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

hello, Its futuregenerationsforestry, the other farm that I have a partner with is herricktreefarm.com, the land at herrick tree farm is protected....for ever! Tom

6:34 PM


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