Our backyard photo journal - a collection of pictures of Skippy and the plants and flowers in our backyard. Also pictures from Skippy's walks & stories of his therapy work. Skippy is working hard at learning to be a Therapy Dog.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

wild turkey

Wild turkeys in suburbia?!! We were having a quiet, early evening dinner party on the patio with my parents visiting and my dad says "Oh look, a turkey." At first we thought he was talking about our neighbor. Then we thought it was the heat (or the wine) getting to him. But no, a wild turkey just strolled on by along our fence, across the street and into another yard. Since our neighborhood is heavily populated with 1/8th acre lots, this seemed remarkable. Skippy thought so too. He's hoping to get a closer look next time.


Blogger Deanna said...

Cool! I want to see a turkey!

11:57 PM

Blogger kathy said...

Skippy was pretty excited by it. He LOVES turkey!

1:06 PM

Blogger Cathy Messecar said...

Hi, we just returned from a trip to Boston, and much to our surprised Texan eyes, from a trolley window, we saw a wild turkey foraging with the pigeons in a downtown-Boston grassy area.

I looked online to see if anyone had written about him because I wanted to include him in an article for a newspaper this Friday in Texas. So far, your beautifully landscaped blog is the only mention of a turkey in suburbia.

Love your photos...

7:54 PM


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