Our backyard photo journal - a collection of pictures of Skippy and the plants and flowers in our backyard. Also pictures from Skippy's walks & stories of his therapy work. Skippy is working hard at learning to be a Therapy Dog.

Friday, September 29, 2006


Skippy has gained weight and is now 50.5 pounds! Yippee Skippy! But I weighed him at the vet's office yesterday when I took him there for another ear infection - poor Skip. Its his second ear infection. He doesn't like them and shakes his head alot. He got some good medicine for it and is doing better already. We're trying to figure out why he gets these infections. I plan to do less frequent baths, clean his ears differently and have his groomer not do anything to his ears. And are trying to make his stomach feel better (his vet says he has celiac's - he can't eat any grain at all - or beef or pork) with some pet flora to improve his digestive system. He is very happy today. I think he may feel better with the pet flora and ear drops. He played keep away with me when I tried to get him in the car today and he obviously thought it was really fun.


Blogger Sunshade said...

Hey Skippy, you are one handsome fella!! I'm so sorry about your ear infections...maybe my diet will work for you? It has no grains.

ps. tell your mama that her flowers are very beautiful and her camera takes excellent pictures!

Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade

6:33 AM

Blogger kathy said...

Thanks for your suggestion, Miss Sunshade. Skippy is really finicky, or maybe its spoiled. He won't eat raw food. He's tried Nature's Variety and BARF. Won't eat it. I still have half a bag in the freezer. He loves his current diet: half fresh cooked chicken (wings, breasts or thighs) supplemented with 1/2 tsp bonemeal for calcium and half Innova EVO. I grind it briefly to mix in the food processor (otherwise he'd just eat the chicken out of it). This is usually working well for him. Still occasional problems. Mostly when I try to vary the diet. Like adding turkey, lamb, beef is bad news. Dairy is probably bad. I'm not sure yet if the Pet Flora is helping. I think it may make things worse. Thanks. I love to get suggestions.

11:26 PM


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