Our backyard photo journal - a collection of pictures of Skippy and the plants and flowers in our backyard. Also pictures from Skippy's walks & stories of his therapy work. Skippy is working hard at learning to be a Therapy Dog.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

today's therapy visit

calling cards
Skippy and I went to visit a nursing home in Winchester this morning. Skippy was very relaxed about it. He leaned against me and let everybody pat him. They played with his ears and stroked his head and back. Skippy even gave a couple of kisses. Everyone seemed to enjoy it.

I would say that we are finally getting used the visiting work and I am finally able to keep Skippy relaxed, on his feet (or sitting) and interacting with people for most of the 30-40 minute visit. This was our 8th visit.

The calling cards are something our group started using on visits to children's facilities, especially when the kids were not allowed to touch the dogs. Skippy and I can't go to children's facilities yet (we need more experience), but the older people like the cards, too. I usually give out several of these to the people we are visiting.


Blogger Valerie said...

Skippy sure is a cutie. I wish he could play with my PWD puppy, Lola (8 mos old). She would love to do therapy work, but would have to more polite when meeting patients. It's something we are working on!

2:24 AM

Blogger kathy said...

Skippy was a wild puppy. Alot of jumping on people and mouthing. PWDs are breed to be spirited! We worked hard on it (obedience classes and a private trainer now and then) and at about 12-15 months old he settled down and started doing what we asked him to do. Skippy would love to play with Lola. I bet she's really cute!

11:44 AM

Blogger Valerie said...

I would love to email you a photo, but don't think I can on this site, unless I created my own page. I actually came upon your site when I was researching how to treat ear infections in PWD pups! I have finally cleared up Lola's ear, but she has lots of hair growing all the way down into the ear that I will have to contend with for her whole life, I think. She is actually a pretty mellow pup, but we do walk twice a day to burn off a little of that energy!

4:26 PM

Blogger kathy said...

You can use the email carletongardener@aol.com. I'd love it if you'd send a picture of your puppy!

Skippy has had several ear infections and his vet says he also has very hairy ears. Hair all the way down to his ear drums, he says, which I guess is unusual. Skippy has dietary issues (grain and beef sensitivity or allergy) and a very reactive/irritable bowel. This makes him prone to ear infections. We seem to have a routine that works well now.

About every 2 weeks I rinse out Skippy's ears well with a good ear solution. At his groomer's, I make sure she doesn't pluck his ears (too much hair - too much irritation). Instead she trims whatever she can reach under the ear flap (no rinsing or anything else). Skippy has had 2 or 3 ear infections so far, but none (I'm crossing my fingers) recently.

You're lucky to have a mellow pup. She sounds great.

Please email photo(s)!

10:45 PM


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