Our backyard photo journal - a collection of pictures of Skippy and the plants and flowers in our backyard. Also pictures from Skippy's walks & stories of his therapy work. Skippy is working hard at learning to be a Therapy Dog.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Joe Pye Weed

This is another wildflower I hope to plant in my garden someday. Joe Pye Weed (Eupatorium fistulosum) is a North American native perennial herb in the aster family. It blooms in August and September and is in bud now in the fields nearby. It does grow rather tall - up to 12 feet. The plant has been attributed with all sorts of medicinal qualities. Its named after an American Indian named Joe Pye, who was said to have cured typhus with it.

Callahan State Park


Blogger Unknown said...

lovely picture... I'm looking to plant one of these, too, now that I know you can keep it shorter by cutting it back throughout the early part of the season. Before I found that out, I figured it would be too big for my little garden.

11:41 AM

Blogger kathy said...

I'm glad to know that it can be cut back.

4:21 PM


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