Our backyard photo journal - a collection of pictures of Skippy and the plants and flowers in our backyard. Also pictures from Skippy's walks & stories of his therapy work. Skippy is working hard at learning to be a Therapy Dog.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

birthday dinner

dog food bowl
It was really nice that so many people (dogs?) left Skippy birthday wishes the past couple days. What fun to read all the comments!

Skippy enjoyed his birthday meal. It was a bit over and above his normal dinner. I think he ate about half a chicken (mixed 50:50 with EVO dog food). He kept asking for more and we gave him 3 servings. For desert, he cheated on his diet and had some whipped cream (on of his favorites). You know, the kind that squirts out of the red can. Yummmmy.

Skippy's normal diet is cooked chicken (usually chicken thighs) mixed about 30:70 with EVO grain-free (poultry) dog food. (He also gets a lot of EVO treats). Skippy doesn't do well with any grains (especially rice), but has done very well with the EVO. He's a picky (spoiled) eater and won't eat plain dog food, so we mix it with chicken. We try to encourage him to eat as much as he can, since he was underweight at 49 lbs until he was about 1 1/2 years old. He is now very healthy and very active at 53 lbs. Sometimes we add a teaspoon of bonemeal to make sure he gets enough calcium, since there is no calcium in the chicken portion of his diet. Its my theory that the chicken gives him his soft and shiny coat, but it may be all genetics - his Mom is very beautiful!


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