Our backyard photo journal - a collection of pictures of Skippy and the plants and flowers in our backyard. Also pictures from Skippy's walks & stories of his therapy work. Skippy is working hard at learning to be a Therapy Dog.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

puppy pictures

puppy1 puppy2
puppy3 puppy5
Skippy 2 Skippy 1
Skippy 3 Skippy 2a

I was reminiscing about my summer garden earlier this morning and came across pictures of Skippy from two summers ago. Skippy was born March 26 (on Easter) (plus or minus a day) 2005. He'll be 2 in a few weeks! These pictures were taken the first week of June, when he was 2 months old. Such a cute bundle of fluff, but boy, was he trouble!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so glad to hear you say that about Skippy as a puppy. We just got our mini poodle puppy on Feb. 3-his mouth is on everything or should I say everything is in his mouth. He sleeps thru the night from 10-6:30, but all in all he is pretty good. Please tell me that the mouthing, nipping he will outgrow-I really need to hear that right now. Weaver

2:33 PM

Blogger Duke said...

I can't imagine that Skippy was ever trouble! He's just so darn cute! hehehe

Love ya lots,

5:58 PM

Blogger kathy said...

Skippy never stopped moving. I think these may be the only pictures I had time to take that summer. I had to follow him always. He was always chewing on something - often me. And those puppy teeth were sooo sharp. Skippy was very, very "mouthy". And he wanted to find out if he could be the one in charge. Serious mouthing and extra energy and issues with challenging authority! He ripped many of our pants legs and shirt sleeves by biting, though he rarely if ever bit through skin. We needed alot of training - us and him. And thank goodness for his crate! We put him in there when we he got too wound up. When he was mouthy, we gradually taught him he didn;t get what he wanted, which was usually our attention. I had him neutered at 6 months exactly, which really seemed to help. After this he gradually wound down and decided he enjoyed (it seems) doing what we told him to do. After about 8-9 months he was rarely mouthy.

That was the difficult side. And it was definitely a puppy thing that he outgrew. (Or do you say that we trained him to control himself?)

But what fun to have a spirited puppy. Such personality! He's very smart, interactive, playful. Really, really a great companion.

Have fun with your puppy! It's really good that he sleeps so long. I'm sure he'll calm down as he grows up!

9:27 PM


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